Our Classrooms

We have two indoor classrooms and three outdoor classrooms. All of our classrooms offer children a variety of spaces to play, learn, and grow.

Infants AND Toddlers Classroom

Our Infants and Toddlers classroom offers children several spaces to learn through various centers – including library, home, art, sensory, and block.

Spacious open floor plan
Floor-based activity centers change regularly
Library Center
Home Center

Pre-3s AND 3-5s Classroom

Our Pre-3s and 3-5s classroom offers children several spaces to learn through various centers – including block, library, STEM and literacy, sensory, art, manipulatives, and dramatic play.

Spacious open floor plan
Block Center and circle time rug
Library Center
STEM and Literacy Center
Art Center
Manipulatives Center
Dramatic Play Center
Kid-sized lockers in the entryway
Kid-sized restrooms
Classroom tour

Large Outdoor Classroom

Our large outdoor classroom is located in a grassy field perfect for running and obstacle courses. It has permanent activities such as a playhouse, a large sandbox, a spring rider, a pergola, a sound garden, and a fairy garden. 

Playhouse and rainbow climbing tires
Climbing boat and spring rider
Pergola with car ramps and flower boxes
Sound garden
Animal and fairy garden
360 degree tour

Covered Outdoor Classroom

For rainy days and for our youngest children, we have a covered outdoor classroom. It has a sandbox, smaller climbing structures, riding toys, and room to run and play.

Sandbox and a variety of large motor play areas

Pre-3s and 3-5s Extra Outdoor Classroom

For even more outdoor time when the need arises, we have an extra outdoor classroom used by the Pre-3s and 3-5s classes.

Spacious open outdoor space
Ability to set up rotating centers